I have lived in San Francisco three times in my life, at three very different ages: grade school, first year of university, and in my forties. Whatever the City is now, it remains very vivid in my memory. I still live close by, so it remains a favorite subject. The architecture and the light, as well as the history, are endlessly fascinating.
Hero #1.18×30. 2022Hero #2. 25×33. 2022Hero #3. 23×33. 2022Gray City. 21×23. 2022Ninth and Irving. Inkjet on watercolor paper, Watercolor. 20″x39″. 2018Two Irving Houses. Inkjet on watercolor paper, watercolor. 32″x20″. 2015Theme and Variations on 12th Avenue. Inkjet on watercolor paper, watercolor. #30″x10″. 2015. Sold.San Francisco Water. Inkjet on watercolor paper, watercolor. 32″x15″. 2013. The great Willis Polk pump house at 23rd and Sloat. “Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad and rivers of water in thy streets,” reads the motto over the door.
19th Avenue Sampler. Inkjet on watercolor and pastel paper, watercolor, pastel. 2016. 40″x40″. Many trips down this street in the Airporter bus, sitting high up, taking photographs, oh, so many photographs.